IPERION HSIntegrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science

Title: 1st IperionCH Training Camp – Heritage Science in practice
Venue: Heritage School of Nájera (Spain)
Date: 14‐18 November 2016
Call: download the file

2nd IperionCH Training Camp – Heritage Science in practice: Non-destructive tools for the diagnosis of paintings in immovable Cultural Heritage
Venue: St. Ayoul Church in Provins, FR
Date: 19 ‐23 March 2018
Call: download the file


Title: 3rd IperionCH Training Camp – Heritage Science in practice: Modern and contemporary art under the archaeometric eye. Between authenticity and forgery
Venue: Casa Museo Remo Brindisi, Lido di Spina, Comacchio, Italy
Date: 24 – 28 September 2018
Call: the announcement and the programme.