User reports

Deciphering long-term river incision and early human occupation in the Middle Rhine Valley by Electron Spin Resonance dating (RHINESR)

BRASS – Roman brass samples coming from ancient Mediolanum town: a PIXE investigation for the study of the production technology

Traditional HERitage of the Aegean: Deciphering the use of “theran earth” in Therasia’s building materials. (T.HER.A)

Analysis of the disTribution of TItAnium oxide layer deposited on painting for self-cleaning and protective sake (ATTIA)

A window in the chemistry of Roman glass: study of archaeological finds from MĂLĂIEŞTI, Romania (2nd century AD) – (MAL-GLASS-ROM)

Study Of OChre based pigment on Archaelogical object from different sites for a possible provenance attribution (SOOCA)

GEOCOMLES – Geochemical characterisation of the archaeological and geological colouring materials from the Lessini pre-Alpine (North-Eastern Italy)

MeCaMi: Metals in the Castle: post-medieval Materials for the Objects of a noble Residence and for the military Equipments in Middelburg-in-Flanders (Belgium, 15th-17th c.)

PICASSO’S ACROBAT FAMILY IN FOCUS: a further investigation of materials and techniques of an iconic work in the collection of the Gothenburg museum of art

The mural painting Passion and Crucifixion by Bernardino Luini in the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Lugano, Switzerland: technical and conservative study

Polychrome paint on European precious silver objects – A merging of two independent research studies of a scarcely noticed colouring technique

ARCHAEOGLASS 2-Evolution of glass technology–paste, colorants, opacifiers–from Roman to Byzantine glass; studies on artifacts from Romanian Museums

RUBENS-TCR-BHW – Banqueting House Whitehall Rubens Ceiling Paintings Technical Conservation Research

NETS-NUBIA – A Neutron Tomography study of pottery forming techniques in Lower Nubia, Egypt, 4th- 2nd millennium BC

COTECH-Copying the master or mastering the copy? Reconsidering copying practices as a pictorial strategy for artistic renewal and art theory in the 16th-C Low Countries

Material analyses on Late Antique Exagia solidi and Byzantine glass weights using micro-PIXE/PIGE techniques

Analysis of the composition of non-ferrous metals, used for decorations in Early Middle ages in Bulgaria.

Localising materials and techniques in the Northern Netherlands: Establishing a chronology for Jan Steen.

Mineral pigments studies on XVIth and XVIIth centuries glass and ceramics artifacts from Piua Petrii – a commercial setlement on Danube border

Assessment of provenance of marbles from the gothic cloister of Žďár nad Sázavou (Czech Republic): contribution of small angle neutron scattering

The provenience of stone tools materials from Middle Neolithic (Piscolt group), Late Neolithic (Herpaly culture) settlements from Carei area, Romania

Characterisation of excavated Napoleonic artefacts from the Berezina battlefield in Belarus using neutron PGAA

KV-MUM-P: KETONE RESIN VARNISHES on Munch Museum’s Paintings: An interdisciplinary, transnational research

CMAG-Glass:Assessment of the Art Nouveau glass windows from the Casa-Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves (Portugal)

ARCHAEO-GLASS: Evolution of glass technology–paste, colorants, opacifiers – from Byzantine, late mediaeval to modern Murano glass; studies on artifacts from Romania

SOFIA: Search Of Fingerprints In Archaeometallurgy: elemental composition study of three gold fragments from an ancient Italian processional cross

ChertPIXE: The geochemical characterization of chert by PIXE: a key to understand human mobility in the Pyrenees during the Prehistory

ChertPIXE 2.0 – Characterizing the geochemical features of Magdalenian chert tools by PIXE. Tracing prehistoric human mobility in the Pyrenees

Barbadori “pala” and Martelli Annunciation by Filippo Lippi. A comparative study on the paintings technique supported by scientific analyses

GOYA: review technical documentation of the portrait of Don Francisco de Saavedra at the Courtauld Gallery

TIMOR: Terahertz Imaging of a Concealed Wall Painting at the Church of St Gregory the Great, Morville, Shropshire, UK

PEMAN: Polychromy on Egyptian works of the National Archaeological Museum (Madrid, Spain). Technical study of the impact of VOCs

Champlevé Enamels from Berlin Museums, widening statistics and knowledge on Medieval champlevé enameling

Yellowish Gypsum Efflorescences on Wall Paintings from the 14th Century in the Cathedral of Schleswig in Northern Germany

IHFMCOS: Investigating hidden and forgotten medieval mural paintings in the church attics of Östergötland (Sweden)

Analysis and Research Methods In Management of Photographic Materials: Gelatin Glass Plate Collections