On the effectiveness of Horizon2020, one of the report’s key conclusions is that Horizon2020: “...strengthens the science base….by producing large numbers of world class open access scientific publications..”
This is the vision lying behind the Open AIRE portal which goal is to make as much European funded research output as possible available to all: “The OpenAire database indicates that 65.2% of Horizon 2020 publications are in open-access and 65.4% of the projects covered by the Open Data pilot make scientific data accessible and re-usable”.
This vision is the main reason for uploading IperionCH publications to the OpenAIRE portal, by this way giving the scientific community the opportunity to access the results coming from the use of a wide range of high-level scientific instruments, methodologies, data, and tools.
Useful guidelines are offered to help researchers upload their contributions both in Literature Repositories and Data Archives.
Another very useful open access portal is HAL-Inria, set up by the French National Institute for computer science and applied mathematics. The portal allows accessing all publications in HAL and, for Inria team members, the deposit of the full text of their scientific contributions.