Why am I not getting my verification email?
In case you don’t have received the confirmation email, please check the SPAM folder.
In case you don’t find there the email, please contact the User Helpdesk (userhelpdesk@iperionhs.eu)
Can I apply for a facility located in my country?
The User Group leader and the majority of the User Group must work in a country other than the one where the requested infrastructure is located.
Will the pandemic situation affect TNAs?
IPERION HS cannot guarantee that all its services will be performed due to the COVID19 pandemic. IPERION HS does however guarantee the continuation of calls for transnational access.
The FIXLAB platform may reserve the possibility to run experiments remotely. Access performed on site by the ARCHLAB and MOLAB platforms will resume as soon as the situation permits. Nonetheless, all successful projects from the TNA calls shall receive access within the duration of the IPHS project.
What is the impact of Brexit on UK users and UK providers?
The UK remains a full partner in IPERION HS and all Horizon Europe activities. Its involvement in IPERION HS is unaffected by Brexit. UK users are encouraged to apply for transnational access and users from other countries are encouraged to apply for access to UK providers.
Is there a limitation to the number of people to be included in the user group?
No, there is no limitation. For the definition of the user group please consult the IPERION HS Access and Service Policy.
In the application form, what does "Number of applicants" mean?
It refers to the total number of users involved in the application (including the users’ group leader).
Should personnel from the requested facility be included in the user group?
No, personnel from the facility are not to be included in the user group.
What is the typical duration of a TNA project?
The typical duration of a TNA user project may vary from about one day up to 5 days per provider.
When will I know if my proposal has been approved?
The entire evaluation process is expected to be completed in about 2/3 months after the submission deadline. Your proposal is requested to pass both the technical and scientific evaluation. The IPERION HS User Helpdesk will send an email to you detailing the final outcomes.
What have I to do to activate the evaluation procedure?
Once submitted a proposal, you will receive an email from the User Helpdesk. You have to click on the proper link to activate the evaluation procedure. As soon as you activate the evaluation procedure, you also activate your dashboard on the right top of the website. The dashboard is a web-tool where you can check the proposal at any time and follow the status of the proposal submitted.
Will I have duties as a user after the access?
Within 2 weeks from the completed access, each User Group Leader of a supported user-project will receive an email with complete instructions (users’ duties) on what to do.
All the results raising from the access should be published preferably in open access with the proper acknowledgement.
Can IPERION HS services be used to solve authentication related issues?
No, IPERION HS services cannot be used for this purpose.