New research and best practices for energy efficiency in historic buildings
Wednesday, Oct. 7th, 2020 & Thursday, Oct 8th, 2020
Benediktbeuern, Germany
The 4th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings EEHB2020 aims to present new research and best practices on a wide range of topics relating to energy efficiency in historic buildings. This year, the focus will be on the role digital technologies can play in improving the energy performance of historic buildings, whilst respecting the principles of conservation. In this context, the aim is to take a closer look at the interfaces between digital building models and the building simulation and the question of the necessary accuracy of both 3D digitisation and hygrothermal or building energy performance simulation tools. Both technologies – 3D scans and building simulation – have been available for a long time, but so far there are no automated processes for converting 3D scans into the energetic building simulation. In addition, more research is also needed on the degree of accuracy of the building survey using digital methods in order to represent a historical building accurately.
Abstracts will be selected based on their relevancy to the general theme of the conference, novelty, quality, advancement of the field and state of completion of the research or practice they are presenting. Selected abstracts will be invited for presentation at the workshop on “Recording historic buildings using digital workflows – Designing the intersection from 3D model to building simulation” on Monday, Oct. 5th, 2020, & Tuesday, Oct. 6th, 2020 before the main conference. Also, a poster session is planned.
The following is meant to illustrate, but not limit, the scope of the conference:
• State of the art and beyond approaches for the use of digital technologies to improve the energy performance of historic buildings
• From 3D point clouds to building simulations – workflows and accuracy aspects within model creation
• Approaches for digitisation of the energy refurbishment process
• Tools and methods for analysis, planning, refurbishment to facility management
• Building and district level applications
• Challenges in preservation of 20th-century historic buildings
• Development of new technical retrofit measures appropriate for different types of historic buildings
• Good practices presenting state of the art both in terms of achieved results and decision-making processes
• Investigations based in social sciences and humanities
• Need for training and education, knowledge sharing and critical analyses of the science-practice gap
• Laws, regulations and policies at international, national, regional and local level
Abstracts should be no more than 300 words long and must describe the research objectives, scope and method, as well as the main findings and implications of the work.
Abstracts are due on February 25th, 2020.
Please submit your abstracts under the following email-address: submission@eehb2020.org
For further details, programme and registration, please see: www.eehb2020.org
The conference is organised jointly by the Fraunhofer Centre for Conservation and Energy Performance of Historic Buildings and the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt and with the support of the Bezirk Oberbayern.
Workshop “Recording historic buildings using digital workflows – Designing the intersection from 3D model to building simulation”
Benediktbeuern, Germany
Monday, Oct. 5th, 2020, & Tuesday, Oct. 6th, 2020
At Benediktbeuern an international workshop for digital surveying of historic buildings and development of a model procedure for energy and hygrothermal simulation will be held. It will focus on applying digitization for fast and simple energy simulation to enable efficient refurbishment of existing buildings. It will feature thematic clusters on designing the intersection from 3D model to building simulation and additional practical sessions on 3D-scanning, data-processing, energy and hygrothermal modelling of historic buildings. The overall aim of the workshop is to develop new approaches, business models as well as a research agenda.
Suggestions for workshop topics or business models to be discussed and further developed can be sent to submission@eehb2020.org
A detailed program and more information will follow, soon.