A new series of online lectures, Current Topics in Heritage Science, will kick off in September 2022.
The monthly lectures will be part of the IPERION HSAcademy and will continue the mission of the now well-established webinars but with more focus on fundamental aspects of heritage science, such as techniques and methodologies, as well as specific heritage typologies and many other topics of interest to the field.
A panel of excellent speakers will be invited to present both theoretical and practical aspects of each topic, as well as applications and case studies of relevance to heritage science. The lectures are targeted at emerging professionals, such as students and young researchers, but also advanced conservators, curators, restorers, and other cultural heritage stakeholders. The primary aim of each lecture will be to give the audience all the tools to understand the topic, independently learn more about it, and eventually be able to apply it to their own work and research.
The online lectures will be recorded, and available not only to participants worldwide, but also on the official YouTube channel for watching and re-watching in the future.
The organising committee members are young and emerging researchers working with cultural heritage.
Please join us for the online lecture series Current Topics in Heritage Science – once a month, starting September 2022!