E-RIHS Implementation Phase: a further step for the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC)
Jointly organised by E-RIHS IP and IPERION HS, the meeting will be held in Florence at Manifattura Tabacchi, the definitive headquarters of the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science. on October 2022 from 10 to 14.
E-RIHS Implementation Phase represents a further step for the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC).
During the meeting on 11 October 2022, from 2.30 pm to 6.00 pm, at the round table E-RIHS in its future headquarters: cultural heritage, research and urban regeneration, speakers will discuss E-RIHS and its socio-economic impact in the context of the great European and territorial challenges. The architectural renovation project of Maniffattura Tabacchi will be presented during the event.
Participation in the round table includes representatives of the Italian Ministry of Culture and the institutions of the Tuscany Region, the Municipality of Florence and the University of Florence. Representatives of the Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze Foundation, which supports the architectural restoration of the Manifattura Tabacchi, will also attend. Italian and European scientists, and representatives of the business and museum world, will discuss the scientific needs of those who work in the cultural heritage sector along with the needs and proposals of the business world for collaborative scientific development and socio-economic development of the territories involved.
On October 10, 11 and 12, it will be possible to visit by appointment “Brancacci POV”, the virtual installation of the monitoring of the conservation status of frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel in the church of Santa Maria del Carmine in Florence, whose analyzes were carried out with the portable instruments of the Italian node of E-RIHS, coordinated by the CNR.
Thanks to “Brancacci POV”, the prototype of a hybrid experience, the virtual visit (lasting 45 minutes) will lead the visitor to discover what is hidden inside the matter and in the art of the work. With the help of a guide, you can virtually visit the monument, carry out small tasks, wear the “clothes” of one of the artists while putting his hand to work, and discuss and exchange ideas and opinions on what is gradually being discovered. The experience lasts about 45 minutes.
Registration on EVENTBRITE is required to participate in the workshop and virtual tour.