On Wednesday 7th October 2020 from 10:00 – 12:30 h (CET)
The 4th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings EEHB2021 aims to present new research and best practices on a wide range of topics relating to energy efficiency in historic buildings. This year, the focus will be on the role digital technologies can play in improving the energy performance of historic buildings, whilst respecting the principles of conservation.
The conference is organised jointly by the Fraunhofer Centre for Conservation and Energy Performance of Historic Buildings and the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt and with the support of the Bezirk Oberbayern.
Introduction and Moderation: Dr Ralf Kilian, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP
Virtual Keynotes:
Tor Broström, Uppsala University, Gotland Campus – The Swedish research program Spara och Bewara
Matija Strlič, University College, London and Stefan Breitling, Otto-Friedrich University, Bamberg – Heritage values under the magnifying glass – The European research infrastructure for Heritage Science
Stefan Bichlmair, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP – Windows in historic buildings – Energetic refurbishment and research at the Old Cooperage in Benediktbeuern
Samuel Dubois, Belgian Building Research Institute BBRI – Scanning the ‘Alte Schäfflerei’: The many lives of captured data
Presentation and preview of the virtual 3D model
Use this LINK for the registration
and check THIS WEBSITE to get information on the new dates for EEHB 2021