The European H2020 projects “EMOTIVE: Storytelling for Cultural heritage” (http://www.emotiveproject.eu/
Issues to be discussed fall under these three broad categories:
- Humanities (e.g. content creation, experience evaluation and related methodologies & techniques, user engagement (pre/post/revisit))
- Technology (e.g. personalisation, onsite/offsite tools and technologies, authoring tools, new forms/enhanced digitization)
- Dissemination / Exploitation (e.g. business plans/IPR suggestions, living labs, common strategies, publications, advertising our projects and attract more users -e.g. advergames)
If you wish to participate in this Workshop please complete the following excel with the relevant information by April 16th, 2018 .
The meeting will take place in Athens at the premises of the University of West Attica (http://www.teiath.gr/?lang=e
For any inquiries please contact: evasilak@teiath.gr