- Palazzo Vecchio
- Piazza della Signoria, Florence
- Palazzo Vecchio - Salone dei Dugento
- Piazza della Signoria, Florence
- Paris
- centre, Paris
- Pierre & Marie Curie University and National Museum of Natural History
- 5th arrondissement, Paris
- Pinakothek der Moderne, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
- Barer Straße 29, Munich, 80799
- Politecnico di Torino
- Corso Castelfidardo, 39, Turin, 10129
- Prado Museum
- Paseo del Prado, Madrid, 28014
- Prague Castle
- Pražský hrad, Prague, 119 08
- Ravenna Campus - Department of Engineering
- Via Tombesi Dall’Ova, 55, Ravenna
- RCE headquarters, Amersfoort ; Mauritshuis, The Hague - Holland
- Buitenom, The Hague
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