IPERION HSIntegrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science
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Date(s) - 21/01/2021 - 24/01/2021
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Internationales Congress Center


An invitation for engineers, scientists, researchers, trustees, and managers

The conference, to be held in Munich on June 21-24  2021, is an opportunity to meet with users and researchers to discuss the latest inventions and applications in the field of optical metrology. The symposium will highlight new optical principles and systems for metrology, multimodal sensing, and machine vision with applications in industrial design, production engineering, process monitoring, maintenance support, biotechnology, vehicle navigation, multimedia technology, architecture, archaeology, and arts. Special emphasis is directed to model-based, remote and active approaches, sensor fusion, robot guidance, image sequence processing and scene modelling, and biomaterials characterization, as well as to the preservation of our shared cultural heritage.

Co-located with Laser 2021 in Munich, Germany, this symposium will address the role of optics and lasers in the following areas:

  • Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection
  • Modelling Aspects in Optical Metrology
  • Optical Methods for Inspection, Characterization and Imaging of Biomaterials
  • Multimodal Sensing: Technologies and Applications
  • Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision
  • Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology

Participants can take advantage of this unique opportunity to hear about the latest solutions to practical problems in industrial design and production engineering and to learn about recent advances in using optical technologies to preserve our shared cultural heritage. They can also find out about new approaches that push optical principles of measurement and testing at the macro, micro-and nanoscales to the forefront of metrology.

Presentations will be permanently archived in the SPIE Digital Library and made available to others in the international scientific community who seek to learn, make discoveries, and innovate.

For further information, download Call for papers and submission guidelines please, visit https://spie.org/conferences-and-exhibitions/optical-metrology?utm_id=reom19gb&SSO=1