A discussion forum for scientists studying cultural heritage materials
The Users’ Group for Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography (MaSC) was established in March 2003 as a discussion forum for scientists studying cultural heritage materials, who wish to exchange information regarding sampling strategies and protocols, preparation of samples, chromatographic and mass spectrometric analysis, data treatment and interpretation of results.
The users’ group aims to organise a meeting and workshop every two years alternating between Europe and North America.
The 10th Workshop and Meeting of the Users’ Group will take place in Bordeaux, France, from Monday 26th – to Friday 30 September 2022 with the following calendar:
Workshop, 26-28 September 2022:
Proteomics for cultural heritage and large data set analysis and treatment.
The three-day workshop will take place at the University of Bordeaux – Proteome Platform. It will provide multidisciplinary training in advanced mass spectrometry techniques applied to protein characterization in artistic, archaeological and paleontological objects. The practical hands-on workshop will be limited to 20 participants due to laboratory space constraints. Those wishing to attend are requested to submit a detailed CV and short paragraph describing their experience with proteomics and how they would benefit from the workshop, which should be included alongside the registration form and sent to MaSCUB2022@gmail.com before 30 June 2022. Notification of acceptance will be given by 7 July 2022. The registration fee for the workshop is 350 Euros.
Meeting, 29-30 September 2022:
The meeting will be held at the Grand Theatre of Bordeaux (Opera). It will comprise discussions and presentations on novel applications of chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques to the study of art and cultural objects. Presentations of studies related to the workshop themes are encouraged, but contributions on a broad range of topics are welcome. We hope to create an informal atmosphere for the exchange of ideas, and discussions of work in progress are welcomed. During these two days, pioneering researchers will present their most recent developments and achievements in the cultural heritage mass spectrometry field, including technical and computational developments and applications.
Those interested in presenting a paper or poster should submit an abstract of up to 200 words to MaSCUB2022@gmail.com before 30 June 2022. Notification of acceptance will be given by 7 July 2022.
The registration fee for the meeting is 170 Euros for those who register before 30 July 2022 or 250 Euros after this deadline. The registration fee for students is 100 Euros.
Details of the workshop and meeting and the registration form can be found on the MaSC website.
Questions can be addressed to the local organizer, Dr Francesca Galluzzi, Dr Aleksandra Popowich or Prof. Caroline Tokarski, and the MaSC committee at MaSCUB2022@gmail.com