In the framework of the ERASMUS + Project Climate Change and Cultural Landscapes, the coordinator University for Continuing Education Krems (Austria) and its partner CNR-ISAC (Italy) are organizing a Multiplier Event in Brussels on May 12, 2023, from 9.30 to 13.30, at the headquarters of the European Association of Development Agencies (Rue Montoyer 24).
The CLIMATE CHANGE – Threats to Cultural Heritage and Security is organised in the framework of Erasmus+ and CHepiCC online, with the collaboration of Partnership Project. This event aims at raising awareness on importance of enhancing European cultural heritage and landscape protection in climate change and related topics, including tools for vulnerability and impact assessment, preparedness measures, risk mitigation and management. Furthermore, it intends to present the outcomes of the CHePiCC online project, dedicated to education and training in cultural heritage protection. This event will reflect on values and vulnerabilities but also explain how heritage can be a powerful tool for the sustainable development of societies.
The attendance to the event will be limited to 60 participants.