NTU welcomes international candidates to enhance or complement its work in the field of Cultural Heritage
NTU has recently launched Cultural Heritage as its first Research Peak and they are recruiting a number of tenures tracked research fellows (https://vacancies.ntu.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?jobid=8687) and fixed-term part-time professors at the full professor level (https://vacancies.ntu.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?jobid=8681).
As Heritage Science research at NTU (https://www.isaac-lab.com/) is interdisciplinary, the University is also interested in those working in allied fields such as archaeology and history.
The following areas of strength have been identified:
- Smart heritage preservation and virtual environments for world heritage sites.
- Next-generation imaging and remote sensing instrumentation tailored to heritage research.
- Sustainable and future-proof models for public engagement and visitor experiences in museums and heritage institutions.
- Preserving disappearing and endangered cultural heritage preservation in conflict and post-conflict contexts.
- Interdisciplinary research in the application of physical sciences to archaeology, history, and conservation with a particular focus on the history of global connections.
- New data science methods for big data in heritage science
Selected people will be joining a team of world-leading senior researchers and scholars from disciplines across the University, and will play a fundamental role in contributing to a wide range of research activities across the various subject areas, including world-leading publications and impact; strengthening our existing projects; and enhancing NTU’s future research excellence.
At the same time, they will have the opportunity to fully engage with NTU’s national and international partners along with governments with whom have a keen interest in the sustainable preservation of cultural heritage using heritage science, advanced technology, and sustainable management.
Closing date: Friday 26 March 2021.
Interviews: TBC: Tuesday 20 April 2021; Friday 23 April 2021; Wednesday 28 April 2021; Friday 30 April 2021.