Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium – Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA)

Established in 1948, the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA), whose chief mission is research and public service, is one of ten scientific institutions falling within the competence of the Belgian Federal Ministry of Science Policy. KIK-IRPA is committed to the inventory, the scientific study, the conservation and the promotion of the country’s artistic and cultural heritage, both movable and immovable. Three departments group art historians, photographers, chemists, physicists and conservator/restorers. Any restoration treatment is based on their interaction. KIK-IRPA specialists advise researchers and curators of both public and private collections. An impressive Information Centre is open to the public. It comprises a photo library containing over one million photos, about 800.000 of which are accessible online, and a library specialized in art history offering nearly 50.000 works and around 1.500 periodicals. Furthermore, the publications, the photo inventory and the organization of courses, conferences and seminars reflect the role KIK-IRPA plays in the promotion of heritage and the diffusion of tools for researchers and the public.
Kik-IRPA participates in the project with one third party
KMKG-MRAH – Royal Museums of Art and History
Contact Person
Hilde De Clercq
E-Mail Address