Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Atommagkutató Intézet – Hungarian Academy of Science Institute for Nuclear Research (MTA Atomki)

Atomki is one of the leading establishments in atomic and subatomic physics in Hungary. In addition to basic research, the institute is devoted to the application of atomic and nuclear physics in the fields of archaeology, environmental research, earth sciences, materials & surface science and biomedicine. Our laboratories provide services for external (national and international) and internal users and contribute to higher education as well. Atomki has been associated with the University of Debrecen since 2000. In collaboration with several research institutions, universities, and museums, Atomki has been applying elemental analysis and carbon dating for decades. Atomki has developed an active presence in the field participating in various international (IAEA, COST, FP7, H2020) programmes, currently it is access provider within Iperion CH and partner in E-RIHS.
Atomki participates in the project with two third parties:
Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (EK)
Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Wigner RCP)
Contact Person
Zita Szikszai
E-Mail Address