IPERION HSIntegrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science

Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap – Cultural Heritage Agency, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (RCE)


RCE is an institute for the preservation and management of cultural heritage in the broadest sense. The area of interest involves monuments and historical buildings, archaeology, natural landscapes and movable heritage, i.e. collections. The headquarters are located in Amersfoort and there are units located in Amsterdam (Cultural Heritage Laboratory) and Rijswijk (Collection). RCE is part of the Ministry for Education, Culture and Science and has a permanent staff of about 300 persons plus c. 100 persons acting as contract researchers, Master and PhD students etc. The RCE has developed many studies of art-historical objects and precious artworks, including paintings by Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Mondrian and many others. The research department currently has a strong focus on modern materials and objects, from 1870 till present. RCE participated in the past in European projects, such as FingArtPrint, POPART, BACPOLES, MOSS, MACHU, Wreckprotect, EPISCON, Eu-ARTECH and CHARISMA. In addition, RCE is strongly involved in the Joint Programme Initiative on CH (JPI-CH).

RCE participates in the project with five linked parties:

The Groningen Institute of Archaeology (RUG)
Faculty Civil Engineering and Geoscience of Technical University Delft (TUDelft)
The Geological and Geochemical laboratory of the VU University Amsterdam (UVA)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam (RMA)
Data Archiving and Networked Services of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW-DANS)

Contact Person
Jan van ‘t Hof

E-Mail Address