IPERION HSIntegrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science

Webinar JPI CH 2: organized jointly by E-RIHS HS Academy and JPI-CH

E-RIHS Heritage Science Academy Series of Webinars highlighting JPI CH-Funded Projects: three webinars to be held monthly in the last trimester 2023!

The 2nd webinar of the series, organized by HS Academy in collaboration with the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI CH), will be held online on November 14th, 2023 at 3 pm (Rome time zone) using the ZOOM webinar platform. The speaker Cristiana Nunes will present her JPI-CH-funded project “Conservation of 20th century concrete cultural heritage in urban changing environments”.

The 2nd meeting, dedicated to the JPI-CH project CONSECH20: Conservation of 20th century concrete cultural heritage in urban changing environments will be held online on November 14th, 2023 at 3 pm (CET) using the ZOOM webinar platform.


November 14th, at 3 pm (CET)


1 hour broken down as follows:
– 30-minute presentation by the speaker;
– 30-minute Q&A interactive session with the participants


CONSECH20 is a European research project supported by the JPI CH Heritage in Changing Environments programme. It was implemented from 2019 to mid-2022. The project aimed to develop approaches for the conservation and protection of the 20th-century heritage concrete buildings against the ever-changing urban impacts, considering both technical and social aspects and strengthening the link between society and the 20th-century architectural heritage. More information about the project can be found in the description.

About the speaker

Cristiana Nunes, PhD in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal

Cristiana Nunes is a Researcher at the Polytechnic of Leiria (Portugal). She is a member of the RILEM TC BEC and RILEM TC PEM Scientific Committees. She received her PhD in Civil Engineering from the Czech Technical University in Prague and her professional experience includes the following activities: 2003-2008 at the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (Portugal), while in 2008-2011 as the Coordinator of restoration interventions in cultural heritage buildings (Portugal); 2011- 2022 at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, while in 2019-2022 as the Head of Laboratory of Material Analysis I.



Registration form – Webinar JPI CH 2: organized jointly by E-RIHS and JPI CH