To the IPERION HS consortium
IPERION HS invites the project consortium to contribute to the Virtual Special Issue in the Heritage Science journal. The article collection is already open for submissions and will remain open until the end of the IPERION HS project. Articles will be published online successively as they come in. In the end, the IPERION HS Editorial Board will tie the collection together with an editorial.
The article collection will showcase the results from transnational access projects as well as the joint research activities and even a mass authored paper about DIGILAB. Please contact the guest editors with your ideas and plans for articles: Marei Hacke, Jana Striová and Matija Strlič.
IPERION HS has an agreement in place with the publisher that allows covering some of the publication fees (article processing charges) for transnational access projects. Fees for additional articles may already be covered by membership and institutional agreements with the publisher, otherwise, they need to be paid for separately or may be eligible for a waiver.
It is mandatory to publish with open access and to acknowledge EU funding in the following way: “IPERION HS has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement n. 871034”. Once published, it is important to ensure that the publication is available in a repository that is compatible with OpenAIRE, for example, Zenodo. Whenever possible all related data should also be made available through a repository. If you would like to read more about IPERION HS dissemination plan, open access publishing and data management then please follow these links or get in touch with the Editorial Board or the coordination office.
Guest editors: Marei Hacke, Matija Strlič, Jana Striová