HS Academy Webinar 05/2022: Developing European collaboration in heritage science
The webinars are organized by the HS Academy, a collaborative initiative between IPERION HS (www.iperionhs.eu) and E-RIHS (www.e-rihs.eu). The two European projects integrate facilities of recognized excellence in Heritage Science, offering access to a wide range of high-level scientific instruments, methodologies, data, tools and training opportunities for advancing knowledge and innovation in the field.
The recently launched Horizon Europe 2021-2027 Framework Programme for Research has its own Destination dedicated to cultural heritage research entitled “Innovative research on the European cultural heritage and the cultural and creative industries”. This was not the case in 2010, when the European Commission in its recommendations of 26 April encouraged the Member States to “develop a common vision on how cooperation and coordination in the field of research at Union level can help to preserve cultural heritage in all its forms, ensuring its security and sustainable exploitation.” From this moment, 18 countries recognized, that cultural heritage and global change constituted a new challenge for Europe, and the “Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change: a new challenge for Europe” was launched to meet this challenge. Encompassing cultural heritage research in all its forms – tangible, intangible, digital – through a holistic approach, this Initiative implemented the bases of what is considered today to be the equivalent of Heritage Science, defined by ICCROM as “… an interdisciplinary research domain spanning the humanities and sciences and focusing on enhancing the understanding, care, sustainable use and management of both tangible and intangible cultural heritage…”
After more than a decade of implementation, alongside other initiatives such as E-RIHS, which have significantly contributed to shaping the European Research Area, offering valuable structures, instruments and experiences, what assessment can be made of this adventure, what are the challenges awaiting the Heritage Science community in a completely reshaped landscape under Horizon Europe, and what are the opportunities among a number of new instruments – Green Deal, New European Bauhaus, KIC on cultural and creative industries, Partnerships, Missions – shaping this new landscape?
May 10th, 2022 at 3 pm (Rome time zone)
You will learn
- how to develop European collaboration in the field of Heritage Science
- how to implement the European Research Area in Heritage Science
Key topics we’ll cover
- European Cooperation
- Cooperation in Heritage Science
45 minutes (30 minutes + 15 minutes Q&A)
Alexandre Caussé has been working for the French Ministry of Culture since 2013, contributing to several strategic collaborations for the implementation of cultural heritage research in Europe, and in particular the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI CH). Graduated from the Paris Institute of Political Sciences (Sciences Po Paris) School of International Affairs in 2012, he joins the Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine in 2016, and leads the coordination of the JPI CH from 2018, when France is designated to Chair this Initiative. Since then, he is contributing to the implementation of cultural heritage research policies in France and Europe and to the promotion of the idea of a European-wide Partnership for heritage science, within the framework of the new 2021-2027 Horizon Europe framework Programme for Research.