Transatlantic cooperation is a reality
The virtual workshop on Transatlantic Cooperation in Heritage Science held on October 6, 2021, in the frame of the 2nd IPERION HS interim meeting, was a very fruitful discussion.
The European and American partners from the US, Mexico and Brazil presented upcoming international conferences and suggested new ideas to strengthen transoceanic cooperation in training, networking initiatives and digital collaborative solutions for the heritage science community.
Three main goals were pointed out:
- Organising transatlantic conferences, workshops, and webinars to offer the heritage science community the opportunity to learn about heritage, methodologies, and techniques from different continents and exchange different scientific experiences
- Organising international schools, masters, and courses for students or young researchers to promote a new, international generation of heritage scientists
- Tightening cooperation between the European and American/ Latin American partners to create and foster the HS Academy webinars as an opportunity for the heritage science community to learn more from one another
- Opening Heritage Science data at the global level and sharing new digital solutions and collaborative tools.
Transatlantic cooperation is already a reality.
The three-day symposium RI-VIS and EU-LAC ResInfra Latin America-Europe Symposium on Research Infrastructures, held in June 15-17 , 2021, brought together delegates from Latin American and European research infrastructures, science policy organisations and research institutions to improve the efficiency and quality of research.