The seventh HSAcademy webinar EU Open Method of Coordination group – Climate change and cultural heritage will be held on September 13, 2022, at 3 PM CEST.
This webinar will face the challenges of climate change and cultural heritage. Johanna Leissner will present the results of the European OMC (Open Method for Coordination) expert group on climate change and cultural heritage, focussing on the role of research as a necessary driver for implementation.
Johanna Leissner is a chemist, working for over 20 years in cultural heritage research with a focus on environmental pollution and climate change impacts on heritage. She is currently the coordinator of the German KERES project on the impacts of extreme climate events on built heritage and historic gardens and landscapes. She is the Chair of the EU OMC (Open Method for Coordination) expert group on Climate change and cultural heritage.
Registration at: https://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-7-2022/