The HSAcademy webinar 8/2022 on Evaluation and monitoring of ESFRI infrastructures will be held on October 10, 2022, at 2 PM CEST.
The speaker, Jana Kolar (ESFRI chair and Executive Director of CERIC-ERIC), will present a talk on impact assessment and monitoring as relevant elements of long-term sustainability of research infrastructures. She has a broad range of expertise, ranging from policy development and implementation, research and innovation, to entrepreneurship. Among others, she was Director-General of Science in Technology at a ministry in Slovenia, chairman of the Board of Slovenian Technology Agency, and a member of the Governing Board of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. She was a member of the High-Level Group of Innovators for a European Innovation Council, which advised the Commission on how to strengthen support for breakthrough, market-creating innovation and of the ERA Council Forum Austria – a high-level expert body advising the Austrian Minister responsible for Science and Research, for which she was awarded a Golden badge of honour for services to the Republic of Austria.
Registration at: https://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-8-2022/