C2RMF – Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France – is an institution of the Ministry for Culture of France.
The access is offered within the Department of Archives and Innovative Information Technology, which is located at the C2RMF in the Palais du Louvre in Paris. The Department preserves all the records from the studies carried out at the laboratory since its creation in 1931. Especially on the works of the museums of France, from Prehistory to 21th Century (main categories : paintings, archaeology – ceramic, glass, stone, metal, textiles -, sculpture, graphic arts, modern and contemporary materials, decorative arts – enamel, orfevrery, earthenware -, bio-materials).
ARCHLAB access will be to the files of the laboratory, that include essentially:
- scientific reports (28,000) and analytical data
- scientific images (150,000) such as X-rays, infrared and fluorescence images, infrared reflectography, multispectral images, 3D-scanning
Researchers will have access to the EROS multilingual database, that is not currently accessible outside the C2RMF. Developed by the Department of Archives, the EROS database contains 69,000 references to the records kept at the C2RMF. All the works and objects that have been studied are recorded in this database, with search based on multiple criteria (historical, technical, etc.). Reports and scientific images are partly available in the database and a search engine allows full text searching in all the attached electronic reports (14,000).
Reports and data, apart from those in course of publication, that are not yet available electronically will be obviously available in hard copy. Researchers will also benefit from the assistance of researchers from the C2RMF in their field of research and of the documentation staff.
Website: http://www.c2rmf.fr/
Contact person
Name: Elsa Marguin
Phone: +33 01 40 20 24 14
Email: elsa.marguin@culture.gouv.fr