In MTA Atomki the ERDA technique is applied to measure the hydrogen content of materials. We are using this technique in vacuum. The lateral resolution is excellent, down to the micron range. The sample is irradiated with a He+ beam and the energy of the recoiled hydrogen atoms is recorded. In heritage science, a possible application is to measure the hydrogen distribution of consolidated materials in experimental samples.
The ERDA technique is applied at the Scanning Nuclear Microprobe (Oxford Microbeams) which was built at the 0°beam line of our 5 MV single ended vertical Van de Graaff accelerator. For this type of measurements mparticle detectors are used, e.g. ORTEC-type surface barrier silicon detectors (50 mm2 sensitive area and 18 keV system energy resolution).
Further reading:
- R. Huszánk, A. Simon et al. Micro-ERDA, micro-RBS and micro-PIXE techniques in the investigation of fish otoliths. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 267 (2009) 2132-2135.
- A. Simon, R. Huszánk et al. Investigation of hydrogen depletion of organic materials upon ion beam irradiation by simultaneous micro-RBS and micro-ERDA techniques. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 268 (2010) 2197-2201.