Within ARCHLAB, KIK-IRPA is offering access related to the following types of objects: paintings, historic interiors, mural paintings, textiles, metals, glass, leather, paper, stone sculpture, wood sculpture, monuments and modern materials.
Main language(s) used in the records/reporting are French and Dutch.
Following records/reports/data(base) are available:
- Photographic records
- Scientific imagery records, in the form of X-radiographic images and IR-reflectographic images
- Records/reports on analytical/material-technical/dating analyses
- Records/reports on conservation treatments
- Records/reports on art historical research
- Records/reports on archaeological research
- Chromatographic and spectral analytical data (such as SEM-EDX, Raman, FTIR, XRF, XRD, …)
- Historical archive
- Access to reference samples for further analyses within ARCHLAB requires the permission of the responsible involved
Website: http://www.kikirpa.be/EN/
Contact person
Name: Hilde De Clercq
Email: hilde.declercq@kikirpa.be