Take your chance of publishing your article in the peer-reviewed, open access Heritage Science Journal (IPERION HS special issue)
To showcase the results from the IPERION HS project, inclusive of transnational access and the joint research activities, we are pleased to announce a special issue for a unique collection of papers in the peer-reviewed, open access Heritage Science Journal (I.F. >2.5 ) <https://heritagesciencejournal.springeropen.com/articles/collections/iperion-hs>
To encourage your publication, we have an agreement in place with the publisher that allows us to cover some of the publication fees (article processing charges).
We encourage you to contact the guest editors (Marei Hacke, Jana Striová and Matija Strlič by writing to the coordination office co@iperionhs.eu) with your ideas and plans for articles or with the tentative titles, abstracts and list of authors.
More details here.