Working Group Meeting on “Research infrastructures and heritage science career paths” on January 25-26, 2024
The working group meeting "Research infrastructures and heritage science career paths" was held at the University of Bologna, Chemistry Department "G. Ciamician" on January 25-26, 2024. The working group meeting was jointly organized by the IPERION HS ...
Working Group Meeting on “Research infrastructures and heritage science career paths” on January 25-26, 2024
The working group meeting "Research infrastructures and heritage science career paths" will be held at the University of Bologna, Chemistry Department "G. Ciamician" on January 25-26, 2024. The working group meeting is jointly organized by the IPERION HS ...
Emma Karoune will give the 4th lecture of the 2nd Edition of “Current Topics in Heritage Science” on January 25th, 2024
The “Current Topics in Heritage Science” (CTinHS) lectures are organized by the emerging professionals of HS Academy, a collaborative initiative between IPERION HS and E-RIHS. The two European projects integrate facilities of recognized excellence in Heritage...
Introducing the IPERION HS Gateway: Unlock a World of Research Possibilities
Joining the OpenAIRE platform is an important step toward making Heritage Science data open, findable, accessible and reliable. The IPERION HS team is glad to be partnering with OpenAIRE in enabling a cross-border exchange of knowledge in heritage science and in...
Altug Hasozbek will give the 3rd lecture of the 2nd Edition of “Current Topics in Heritage Science” on December 14th, 2023
The “Current Topics in Heritage Science” (CTinHS) lectures are organized by the emerging professionals of HS Academy, a collaborative initiative between IPERION HS and E-RIHS. The two European projects integrate facilities of recognized excellence in Heritage...
E-RIHS Heritage Science Academy Series of Webinars highlighting JPI CH-Funded Projects: 3rd meeting on December 12th, 2023
Webinar JPI CH 3: organized jointly by E-RIHS HS Academy and JPI CH E-RIHS Heritage Science Academy Series of Webinars highlighting JPI CH-Funded Projects: three webinars to be held monthly in the last trimester 2023! The 3rd webinar of the series, organized by HS...
The GlazeArt2024 Conference will be held in Lisbon, on February 22-23, 2024: submit your abstract by December 4, 2023!
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) is pleased to announce GlazeArt2024 to be held in Lisbon, on February 22-23, 2024. The Glazed Ceramics in Cultural Heritage (GlazeArt) conferences held in 2015 and 2018 aimed to promote the dissemination and to discuss...
2 years post-doc position is open at the University of Perugia in the research group of Chemistry for Cultural Heritage – deadline for applications on December 11, 2023
2 years post-doc position is open at the University of Perugia in the research group of Chemistry for Cultural Heritage The application for a 2 years post-doc position is open at the University of Perugia in the research group of Chemistry for Cultural Heritage....
E-RIHS Heritage Science Academy Series of Webinars highlighting JPI CH-Funded Projects: three special meetings online!
A joint E-RIHS & JPI CH webinar series organized under the umbrella of HS Academy The Heritage Science Academy is delighted to provide its webinar platform with the aim of enabling researchers in cultural heritage to advance the boundaries of knowledge. In...