by Elisa Andreassi | Sep 18, 2019
User Group Leader: Mariateresa Pullano Venue: Gothenburg Museum of Art, Sweden The Acrobat Family is one of Pablo Picasso’s highly rated works from his Rose Period. The painting, from 1905, was one of the first two works by Picasso,bought by Leo...
by Elisa Andreassi | Sep 7, 2018
User Leader: Graziano Ranocchia Venue: Officina dei Papiri Ercolanesi, ‘Vittorio Emanuele III’ National Library of Naples (IT) Scientific background PHerc. 1691/1021, belonging to the papyrus collection from Herculaneum, is an...
by Elisa Andreassi | Aug 3, 2017
User Group Leader: Teresa Gómez Espinosa Venue: Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Spain The objectives of project AIR ARTE include the determination and quantification of the VOCs considered as problematic, as well as their possible...