IPERION HSIntegrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science


Date/Time Event
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Workshop "Launch of the 2015-16 ESFRI Roadmap update"
01/12/2014 - 03/12/2014
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Digital Heritage and Research Infrastructures: strategies and solutions
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Piero della Francesca's mind, between drawing and design
29/06/2015 - 03/07/2016
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Back Successful projects supported by Horizon2020: kick off of IPERION CH, EHRI and PARTHENOS
30/06/2015 - 03/07/2016
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IPERION CH: kick off in Florence the Medicean
Palazzo Vecchio – Salone dei Dugento, Florence
02/07/2015 - 03/07/2015
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GlazeArch 2015-International Conference on Glazed Ceramics in Architectural Heritage
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Early Picasso: the development of the artist through his palette
Aula Magna of the University of Barcelona, Spain, Barcelona
06/07/2016 - 08/10/2016
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4th International Congress on Chemistry for Cultural Heritage
Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA), Brussel Belgium
26/10/2016 - 28/10/2016
12:00 am
IPERION CH - 2nd Interim Meeting
LNEC – Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisbon Lisbon
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
IPERION CH - Workshop on international access to the Iperion CH facilities
LNEC – Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisbon Lisbon
29/10/2016 - 30/10/2016
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IperionCH - 1st Interim Meeting
RCE headquarters, Amersfoort ; Mauritshuis, The Hague – Holland, The Hague
14/11/2016 - 18/11/2016
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Heritage School of Nájera (Spain) - 1st IPERION CH Training Camp - Heritage Science in Practice
Najera, Najera
12:00 am
E-RIHS – European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science - International Workshop “Towards a European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science”
Sala Capitolare, ex Convento del Maglio, Florence
30/03/2017 - 31/03/2017
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Kick-off meeting “European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science – Preparatory Phase” (E-RIHS PP)
Auditorium, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, Florence Italy
16/05/2017 - 19/05/2017
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IPERION CH 2 nd Annual Meeting - E-RIHS PP 1st Interim Meeting
FORTH, Heraklion Greece
29/05/2017 - 30/05/2017
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IMaTTe 2017 - International conference on the values of tangible heritage
LNEC Congress center, Lisbon Portugal
04/09/2017 - 08/09/2017
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ICOM-CC 2017 - Linking past and future
Tivoli Congress Center, Copenhagen
04/09/2017 - 08/09/2017
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International workshop on IMAGING
Villa Monasterio, Varenna Italy
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
MOLAB seminar at the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rome
Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Roma, Rome Italy
26/09/2017 - 30/09/2017
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8th MaSC Workshop and Meeting
HERCULES Lab, University of Évora, Evora Portugal
8:40 am - 1:00 pm
MOLAB (internal) seminar at the Munch Museum in Oslo
The Munch Museum, Oslo
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Access to scientific technologies and resources for cultural heritage research through the IPERION CH project
National Gallery, Sainsbury Wing Conference Room, London
09/11/2017 - 10/11/2017
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A “3D Imaging in Cultural Heritage” conference at the British Museum
British Museum, London
15/11/2017 - 17/11/2017
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3rd IPERION CH interim meeting
Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA), Brussel Belgium
15/03/2018 - 17/03/2018
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Tempera painting between 1800 and 1950 Experiments and innovations from the Nazarene movement to abstract art
Pinakothek der Moderne, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich
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Towards a Digital Approach to Cultural Heritage Conservation, Documentation and Communication. From Cyberinfrastructures to Science Clouds
Academia Sinica, Taipei City Taiwan
19/03/2018 - 23/03/2018
9:30 am - 6:30 pm
2nd Iperion CH Training Camp: Non-destructive tools for the diagnosis of paintings in immovable Cultural Heritage
St Ayoul Church in Provins, Seine-et-Marne, Ile-de-France France
18/04/2018 - 20/04/2018
8:30 am - 1:00 pm
3rd IPERION CH Annual Meeting
KADK, Copenaghen
20/05/2018 - 26/05/2018
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ISA 2018
Mérida, Mérida
10/06/2018 - 14/06/2018
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Georaman 2018
Four Point Sheraton Conference structure, Catania
18/06/2018 - 22/06/2018
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EMRS 2018
Palais de la Musique et des Congrès, Strasbourg
19/06/2018 - 22/06/2018
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MLZ Conference Neutrons for Culture and Art
Arabella Brauneck Hotel Münchner, Lenggries
21/06/2018 - 22/06/2018
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Construire ensemble le sciences du patrimoine
Amphithéâtre Colbert, Paris
21/06/2018 - 22/06/2018
9:00 am
CATS call for papers: Trading Paintings and Painters’ Materials 1550-1800
National Museum of Denmark, Copenaghen Denmark
03/07/2018 - 06/07/2018
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ChemCH 2018
Central University Library of Bucharest, Bucharest
09/07/2018 - 13/07/2018
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5th international palaeontological congress
Pierre & Marie Curie University and National Museum of Natural History, Paris
16/07/2018 - 20/07/2018
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Doctoral Summer School
Ravenna Campus – Department of Engineering, Ravenna
22/07/2018 - 27/07/2018
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Gordon Research Conference
Rey Don Jaime Grand Hotel Avinguda de l’Hotel, Castelldefels
03/09/2018 - 07/09/2018
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Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons in Art and Archaeology Conference (SR2A-2018)
The Eldon Buliding, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth
05/09/2018 - 07/09/2018
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E-RIHS PP interim meeting
Biological and Chemical research Centre UW Ochota campus, Warsaw
10/09/2018 - 14/09/2018
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12th Lacona conference
Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, Paris
10/09/2018 - 14/09/2018
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ICC congress 2018
Politecnico di Torino, Turin
10/09/2018 - 14/09/2018
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Lacona 2018: the 12th conference on Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks
Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, PARIS
12/09/2018 - 14/09/2018
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The Bruegel Success Story. Symposium XXI for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting
Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels
24/09/2018 - 28/09/2018
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IBAF 2018 : 7e Rencontre "Ion Beam Applications" Francophone
Domaine de Chalès, Nouan-le-Fuzelier
24/09/2018 - 28/09/2018
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Training Camp
Casa Museo Remo Brindisi, Lido di Spina Ferrara
16/10/2018 - 17/10/2018
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IPERION CH 4th interim meeting
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, Firenze
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International workshop
Auditorium S.Apollonia, Florence
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E-RIHS day
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, Firenze
24/10/2018 - 26/10/2018
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Ciencia y el Arte VII
Prado Museum, Madrid
29/10/2018 - 30/10/2018
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GlazeArt 2018
LNEC Congress center, Lisbon Portugal
28/11/2018 - 30/11/2018
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Bilateral EU-CELAC cooperation initiative in Brazil
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte
03/12/2018 - 05/12/2018
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Bilateral EU-CELAC cooperation initiative in Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico City
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E-RIHS mid-term review meeting
Brussels, Brussels
17/12/2018 - 19/12/2018
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International Forum on Heritage Science 2018
Evora, Evora
07/02/2019 - 08/02/2019
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
New strategies for diagnostics of conservation treatments – February 7-8, 2019, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam
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3rd IPERION CH users meeting
Paris, Paris
13/02/2019 - 16/02/2019
12:00 am - 11:59 pm
Frontiers in Heritage Science
Istitut de France, Paris
20/02/2019 - 22/02/2019
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E-RIHS PP annual meeting
CSIC, Madrid
11/04/2019 - 12/04/2019
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4th IPERION CH annual meeting
RWTH – Institut für Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie, Aachen
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
5th British Museum Mellon Symposium - call for papers
The British Museum, London
03/06/2019 - 07/06/2019
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
The 9th Workshop and Meeting of the Users' Group for Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography (MaSC) - Call for papers
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa Canada
24/06/2019 - 27/06/2019
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
O3A: Optics for Art, Architecture, and Archaeology VII - Munich, June 24-27, 2019 - Call for papers
Internationales Congress Center, Munich
22/10/2020 - 24/10/2020
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage – Trento, October 2020
University of Trento, Trento
16/11/2020 - 20/11/2020
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IPERION HS 1st interim meeting
21/01/2021 - 24/01/2021
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
SPIE Optical Metrology conference -O3A: Optics for Arts, Architecture and Archaeology
Internationales Congress Center, Munich
19/04/2021 - 23/04/2021
12:00 am
IPERION HS 1st Annual meeting
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Webinar 2: FIXLAB
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Webinar 5: Built Heritage & IPERION HS
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Webinar 6: Arts and Humanities and IPERION HS
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Webinar 7: Palaeontology & IPERION HS
04/04/2022 - 08/04/2022
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IPERION HS 2nd annual meeting
11/07/2022 - 15/07/2022
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HS Academy - 1st Training Camp
CENIEH, Burgos
12/10/2022 - 14/10/2022
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3rd IPERION HS interim meeting
Manifattura Tabacchi, Florence
02/05/2023 - 05/05/2023
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3rd IPERION HS annual meeting in Cyprus
The Institute of Cyprus, Nicosia Cyprus

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